Forever_Fan 發表於 2017-6-27 20:01:57

Fuko~ 發表於 2017-6-27 19:48

Sky sources understand Everton have agreed deal to sign Henry Onyekuru...

佢好似得一場國家隊比賽,由於佢唔係歐盟球員(尼日尼亞人兼尼國球會出身,但18歲去比利時球會,咁1年後等佢21歲係咪當歐盟訓練的球員)? 如果係3年就當係歐盟球員咁就無問題,下年就有工作證,但如果唔當歐盟球員,咁英超工作證要一定數量國家隊賽事上場紀錄才能有工作證,這樣隨時一年佢都未羅到,你睇阿仙奴買左個日本球員就因為無工作證連續2年外借其他聯賽。

爆炸拖肥糖 發表於 2017-6-27 20:35:33

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 19:49
他好勁架 , 他係上季全個比甲神射手

睇 Youtube 踢法同 Lookman 好似,過佢仲要獨食啲

愛華寶寶 發表於 2017-6-27 20:45:08

爆炸拖肥糖 發表於 2017-6-27 20:35
睇 Youtube 踢法同 Lookman 好似,過佢仲要獨食啲


barker 發表於 2017-6-27 20:54:32

Forever_Fan 發表於 2017-6-27 20:01
佢好似得一場國家隊比賽,由於佢唔係歐盟球員(尼日尼亞人兼尼國球會出身,但18歲去比利時球會,咁1年後等 ...

呢單 deal 只係 6.8M 英磅

爆炸拖肥糖 發表於 2017-6-27 21:17:35

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 20:54
呢單 deal 只係 6.8M 英磅

又係有 release clause

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 21:22:20

爆炸拖肥糖 發表於 2017-6-27 21:17
又係有 release clause

朗奴高文呢兩單 deal , 他和 sandro 買得好聰明 :)

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 22:09:59

EVERTON twitter update : Michael Keane will closing to sign EVERTON 25M complete the deal ( in the next few day ) :)

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 23:45:14

本帖最後由 barker 於 2017-6-27 23:57 編輯

史雲斯簽左拉斯彭馬斯中場 Roque Mesa , replcement 施古臣 ?

barker 發表於 2017-6-28 00:36:16

EVERTON twitter update : sandro Ramirez will sign for EVERTON and there will be no release clause in his contract

Forever_Fan 發表於 2017-6-28 07:37:28

barker 發表於 2017-6-27 20:54
呢單 deal 只係 6.8M 英磅

Everton new signing Henry Onyekuru almost joined French millionaires PSG only to opt out even after he had a successful medical in Paris, can report.

A source close to the player revealed he made a u-turn on PSG following a last push by Everton and Anderlecht.

“Henry almost joined PSG, they had agreed on terms and as a matter of fact, he passed a medical but before the paper work could be done, Anderlecht and Everton interest in signing him was much andas they offered a better wage, he opted out so as to move to England where he always wanted to play.”

同 PSG 傾好個人條件,過埋體測,因為人工高,所以即刻轉呔過來愛華頓,咁都得?無乜口齒咁喎........{:3_63:}

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