Martinez said: “If I had been given 10 years to work with Everton by being mediocre I wouldn’t accept that,” which has been interpreted as a dig at his Goodison predecessor who oversaw 11 years as Blues boss.
“Mediocre? I suppose there’s an argument that Martinez should know something about the subject, his whole career has been mediocre, both as a player and now a coach.
“Since taking over at from Moyes at Everton, Martinez has run up a transfer deficit of £48m. Moyes left a transfer of £8.5m. That’s right, after 11 years in the P Lge. £8.5m. (莫耶斯無賣就無買,11年用左8.5m,咁都羅到咁好成績,想點?)
"Moyes’ complete record looks like this - 17-4-11-6-5-5-8-7-7-6-5. Oh, and he was LMA Manager of the Year three times. Stunning I would say. Absolutely stunning. (第1季第17名係因為得返最後幾場才接手幫手護級,最後成功護級。)
“In recent weeks Martinez has sounded increasingly desperate. What an error of judgement it was to have Leighton Baines go public and issue an apology for telling the truth. Baines is one of a very special group - players that Evertonians have taken to their heart. The moment Martinez tried to play the tough guy and slap Baines down he lost Evertonians. (拜恩斯講出事實,但被迫公眾道歉,馬仔因此失去球迷支持)
“If Martinez had the players with him he could probably ride out the storm, but I hear rumours of unrest in the dressing room. (更衣室也不平靜)